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Academic Support
Academic Support
One-on-One educational counseling and individual tutoring to students in both grades 1-5 and 6-12. Our program offers a great opportunity for improvement for students in reading and writing through individualized instruction. Attention is offered in a personal and caring atmosphere targeted to students' interests as well as learning styles.
Students in Grades 1-5:
The connection between reading comprehension and responsive writing.
Writing skills, grammar, vocabulary and critial reading.
Testing services through professional educational evaluators
Reading comprehension and research writing
Organizational skills
Meetings with school guidance and/or CSE teams
Individual evaluation and assessment.
Educational evaluations are interpreted and addressed.
Test Prep for Common Core, ISEE
Students in Grades 6-12 & College Students:
Reading comprehension, informational and persuasive writing, and research projects
Preparation in subjects including: English, social studies, math, sciences, advanced placement tests, and SAT II
Individual evaluation and assessment.
Educational evaluations are interpreted and addressed.
SAT/ACT/Regents Prep
College Admission Essays

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